Mildred (Mickey)




Clarence (Musalot)

Theodore Jr. (Bunk)

Marion (Skee)

Frances (Nita)

​​​​United Strong Steadfast Rugged

                                                               LANE                                                        ​   ​CONNECTION                                                                    

​​Our Mission is to preserve the Lane legacy of love, unity and outreach from generation to generation. From the union of Theodore Lane Sr. and Artis Trody, there are two Matriarchs living;  Minnie Hart and Lottie Hadley. These are the elders of the Lane family. It is our mission that each family member will meet and know those who played a vital part in building a family of togetherness, love for one another, and reaching out to those less fortunate; making a connection that will build a foundation for the future generations.

     The union of Theodore Lane Sr. and Artis Trody took place in Blackshear, Georgia in the year 1922. Three children, Floyd, Theodore Jr. and Mildred (Micky) were born in Georgia.  After migrating to Naranja, Florida, Clarence (Muslot), Marion (Skee), Francis (Nita) and Minnie were born. Later the family moved to Princeton Florida where Helen and Lottie were born.

     Although they had nine children, their LOVE was spread equally among them all. Everyone pitched in to help meet the needs of the family. Farming was the main job held by the men.

     The people in the neighborhood were very close knit; this was a village that took pride in raising children. In 1951, determined to expose their remaining children that were at home to better housing, they moved to Richmond Heights, Florida. After their relocation, Theodore Sr.'s job moved him to Arvida Nursey and later to Coral Gables Art Gallery; Artis took to Miami Beach as a housekeeper. Theodore Sr. and Artis trusted in the Lord for all their needs and instilled in their children to trust in the Lord as well.("Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it" Prov. 22:6) Artis was a praying woman who prayed for her family daily. She knew that her family was Blessed and full of Love for one another.

     After a few years of retirement, Artis passed away on December 9, 1967 and her memories and homemade recipes lived on. Theodore Sr. lived a long healthy life and enjoyed telling stories of his young​er life and singing to his grands and great grands. His favorite song, "Bound For Mount Zion" and his favorite scripture that he faithfully quoted to his children, grand children and great grand children "Honour thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." Exodus 20:12. On April 10, 1998 Theodore Sr. died at his home in Richmond Heights Florida. As you can see, Theodore Sr.lived until the age of 96. There is much more to tell about the Lane Family History but we would have to write a book to tell it all.

Our GOAL as a family is to connect and reconnect with family members who we have not seen or spoken to in years. We intend to reach out every way possible; home visits, phone calls, emails and social media.

The young generation is a must that we need to connect with, they need to know their roots. Many of our young generation don’t know the matriarchs of the family or many of their cousins and it’s time they know who they are connected to.

We plan to reach out to our young generation with activities of their interest so that we can have them get to know each other. Our first youth agenda will be to have meet and greet activities so they can meet with cousins they don’t know. Once we get enough of our young generation to come to these activities, we will then seek other ways to keep them connected with each other (parties, bowling, skating, hang out times, movies etc.). We need our young generation to come together so that they can continue the LANE legacy, they are the LANE CONNECTION future.

We plan to designate a family Captain for each family of the nine children of Theodore Sr. and Artis, so that they can help us reach out and connect with every family member and keep them informed to every event of the family.

We need EVERY FAMILY MEMBER on board to help our family connect and reconnect. This website is to keep family connected and informed; if you have anything to add to website or don’t see your birth date listed please contact Charlotte, we want everyone to be a part of this Family Website.

Thank you for your cooperation and participation in helping us CONNECT and RECONNECT with FAMILY.



Tuwana Riley--------Family President

Charlotte Hadley-Jackson----------Vice President

Shawn Martin/Regina Hunter--------Secretaries

Tuwana Riley/Regina Hunter/Angela Cole------Treasurers

We are ALL the Lane Connection Family so whether you are a



Rolle or Dasher


Major or Bowling


Shannon or Riddle

Hadley or Hallmon

You are a Lane either from your mom or dad's bloodline. We are ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY